Washington County Utah Construction Loans

Building Loan Calculator for Builders of all Kinds in Washington County Utah with today's interest rates
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One Time Close

With a one-time close construction loan, you finance both the construction and the long-term mortgage for your new home at the same time in one transaction.

Two Time Close

With a two-time close construction loan, you have two separate loans for the construction of your new home. First, you will have a loan for the construction, and then once the home is finalized this loan is paid off by a separate loan for the long-term financing.

Understanding Construction Loans in Washington County Utah

When embarking on the journey of building your own home, understanding the financial implications and options is crucial. Construction loans are specialized lending options designed to fund the building process, offering a unique set of terms and considerations compared to traditional mortgages. Our Building Loan Calculator gives you the insight you need to determine which loan best suits you.

What are Construction Loans?

Construction loans are short-term loans used to finance the construction of a home or real estate project. Unlike standard home loans that provide a lump sum to purchase a pre-existing house, construction loans disburse funds in stages, corresponding to the completion of different phases of the construction process. The borrower typically pays interest only on the amount drawn until the project is completed, at which point the loan either converts to a standard mortgage (in the case of a one-time close loan) or is paid off by obtaining a separate mortgage (with a two-time close loan).

One-Time Close vs. Two-Time Close Loans

One-Time Close Loans

Also known as "construction-to-permanent" loans, one-time close loans streamline the financing process by combining the construction loan and the permanent mortgage into a single loan. This option means the borrower goes through the application and closing process once, locking in the interest rate at the beginning of construction.


  • Single set of closing costs, reducing overall expenses.
  • Interest rate is set before construction begins, providing financial stability.
  • Simplified loan management with only one application and one closing.


  • Less flexibility to change lenders or loan terms after the construction phase.
  • The initial interest rate may be higher than that of a two-time close loan.

Two-Time Close Loans

Two-time close loans involve two separate loans and closings: one for the construction phase and another for the permanent mortgage. After construction is complete, the borrower must apply for a new loan to pay off the construction loan, undergoing a second approval and closing process.


  • Flexibility to shop for better mortgage rates or terms after construction is complete.
  • Potentially lower interest rates for the permanent mortgage if market rates have decreased.


  • Two sets of closing costs, increasing overall expenses.
  • Risk of not qualifying for a permanent mortgage if financial circumstances change.
  • Possible interest rate volatility between the construction and permanent financing phases.

Calculating Construction Loans

Calculating the amount you need for a construction loan involves several steps:

  1. Budget Estimation: Work with your builder to develop a detailed construction budget, including costs for materials, labor, permits, and contingencies.
  2. Appraisal: The lender will require an appraisal based on the project's plans and specifications to determine the future value of the home.
  3. Loan-to-Value Ratio (LTV): Lenders typically finance a percentage of the appraised value or construction cost (whichever is lower), often up to 80%. Your required down payment will be the difference.

For example, if your construction costs are estimated at $300,000 and the appraised value of the completed home is $400,000, a lender offering 80% financing would provide a loan up to $240,000.

How to Go About Getting a Construction Loan in Washington County Utah

  1. Prepare Your Financials: Ensure your credit score, debt-to-income ratio, and down payment are in line with lender requirements. Construction loans are viewed as riskier by lenders, so financial health is crucial.
  2. Choose Your Builder: Select a reputable builder with experience. Your lender will likely need to approve the builder.
  3. Develop a Detailed Plan: Complete architectural plans and a detailed construction budget are necessary for loan approval.
  4. Contact Us: Reach out to us for details on nterest rates, LTV ratios, and closing costs. Consider both one-time and two-time close loans based on your financial situation and risk tolerance.
  5. Undergo the Approval Process: This will include submitting your financial information, plans, and budget for underwriting. The lender will also appraise the project.
  6. Close on the Loan: For a one-time close loan, you’ll lock in your rate and terms upfront. For a two-time close loan, you'll close on the construction loan first and then reapply for the mortgage upon completion.

Lowering Your Monthly Payments

To reduce your monthly payments during and after construction, consider:

  • Making a larger down payment to decrease the loan amount.
  • Choosing a longer-term for the permanent mortgage to spread payments out over time, though this may increase total interest paid.
  • Shopping around for the best rates and negotiating lender fees.


Construction loans offer a path to custom home building, but navigating their complexities requires careful planning and consideration. Whether you opt for a one-time close loan for simplicity and locked-in rates or a two-time close loan for flexibility and potentially lower costs, being well-prepared and informed will help you make the best financial decisions for your new home. Consulting with financial advisors and lenders specializing in construction loans can provide valuable guidance tailored to your specific situation.

Mandi Turner
John Hortin
Brodie Calder
Summit Lending

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